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Cremation Diamond: The Best Way To Accompany Forever A Loved One Who Past Away

Writer's picture: lonitelonite

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

A Beautiful Pear Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Made from Ashes
A Beautiful Pear Cut Lab-Grown Diamond Made from Ashes


There is no easy way to approach death. Whether it is facing the loss of a loved one or confronting the end of your own life, it is easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the grief that comes with the inevitable part of life that is death. This explains why most people treat conversations around death as taboo and prefer to cross that bridge when they get there.

Korean Views on Life and Death

Sending off a deceased loved one with a final goodbye is undoubtedly not an easy task. However, according to grief specialists, it is a very important step in the grieving process.

Critical moments in life, even the most painful ones such as death, need to be acknowledged and processed if the bereaved are ever to cope and start to move forward. In short, goodbyes give us a sense of closure as we move into the next phase of life as we know it.

Sending Off a Deceased Loved One in 2021/2022

Saying Goodbye Is an Important Part of Sending off a Deceased Loved One
Saying Goodbye Is an Important Part of Sending off a Deceased Loved One

Thanks to innovation in the global death industry, more and more people are embracing new and unconventional practices that pay tribute to their deceased loved ones and in so doing preserve their memory for generations to come.

Writing a Goodbye

Make a diary entry, write them a letter, email, text message, or poem. Speak directly to the deceased when writing and tell them everything you would have loved to say but didn't get the chance. Alternatively, you can document all the precious memories you have of your deceased loved one and read them whenever you feel lost. Out of sight shouldn’t be out of mind.

Talking about the Deceased

There will always be people in your life who didn't get to cross paths with your loved one; be it new friends, a significant other, or children. Talk to them about the deceased, share photos of them, and some of your precious memories.

"When there is no one left in the living world who remembers you, you disappear from this world. We call it the final death." - Coco (the movie)

Creating a Ritual

Lighting a Candle Is a Ritual Rooted in Both Culture and Religion
Lighting a Candle Is a Ritual Rooted in Both Culture and Religion

A ritual is a series of actions or types of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone. According to grief specialists, creating a ritual after loss helps restore that feeling of control and, in turn, makes it easier for the deceased to cope with grief.

  • Lighting a candle at certain, special times of the day or week to remind you of your loved one (for example, at dinnertime to represent sharing meals with them)

  • Periodic visits to their favorite spot

  • Making a periodic donation to a charity or a cause that your loved one supported

  • Visiting your loved one’s burial site

Rituals can be customized to you as an individual or they can include group activities to be done with friends and/or family of the deceased. The decision is yours to make.

Creating a Memorial Item or a Keepsake of the Deceased

A memorial item is something that commemorates the memory of a deceased loved one. These can be personalized to typically include a photo of the deceased, their name alongside the date of birth and the date of demise, plus an epitaph. Some of the most popular memorial items to date include:

Memorial Garden

Consider Planting the Deceased's Favorite Flowers
Consider Planting the Deceased's Favorite Flowers

A memorial garden provides a long-lasting tribute to a deceased loved one and offers a place for the bereaved to reflect and find healing. The garden can be as small as a single tree or as large as an oversized flowerbed with different flowers, ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees.

When selecting plants for a memorial garden, consider using the favorite flowers of the deceased, or think about the fragrances or colors that evoke fond memories. Another possibility is to include plants that have the same name as the deceased, such as lilies, roses, or daisies.

You can also select plants that have specific meanings, such as forget-me-nots (memories), rosemary (remembrance), poppies (rest or eternal sleep), yellow tulips (friendship), or pink carnations (I'll never forget you).

Memorial Bench

A memorial bench is a piece of furniture that commemorates a deceased person. They are typically made of wood, but can also be made of metal, stone, or synthetic materials.

Typically memorial benches are placed in public places and in domestic gardens. Bearing a plaque with your loved one’s name and a personalized message, they convey a message of love that will remain for future generations to see.

Memorial / Cremation Diamonds

Memorial diamonds, also known as cremation diamonds or diamonds from ashes are diamonds grown in the laboratory from the cremated remains of deceased human beings and pets.

The popularity of memorial diamonds is based on the big question of what to do with cremation ashes after the loss of a loved one. Whereas you can always scatter the ashes, store them in an urn, or even bury them, you might prefer to see them transformed into something entirely new.

In addition, diamonds have been used for centuries to symbolize unwavering and undying devotion, love, fidelity, partnership, commitment, and friendship. What better way to commemorate your deceased loved one than turning them into a diamond?

Are Cremation Diamonds a Hoax?

Cremation diamonds are genuine diamonds grown by using the carbon contained within hair or cremation ashes. Turning cremation ashes into diamonds is possible because Carbon [C] accounts for 18% of the human body and diamonds are basically crystallized carbon.

Nitrogen [N] accounts for 3% of the human body, which gives a cremation diamond an amber color, varying from light yellow to deep orange. Purely Colourless diamonds are created by removing nitrogen [N] from the carbon [C] prior to making a cremation diamond.

How Cremation Diamonds Are Made

About 200g of ashes or 10g of hair are required in order to create a memorial diamond from ashes. These ashes are placed in a specialized crucible which is heated to over 5000F to make every element except carbon oxidize. Then, the temperature is raised further so that carbon can become graphite. The graphite with a metal catalyst and a diamond seed crystal is placed into the core which goes into a specialized diamond press capable of creating extreme tension which then starts working thus bringing the pressure to about 800,000 pounds/square inches.

During the last stretch when the press is working, the temperature in the room stays about 2500F so that the ashes turned memorial diamonds become solid.

Unlike natural diamonds, rough memorial or cremation diamonds are usually mixed with graphite and other materials, particularly on the surface. The rough cremation diamond is carefully cut and polished by diamond experts as per the client's specifications.

How Much Does it Cost to Turn Ashes into a Diamond?

The cost of turning ashes into cremation diamonds starts at $1,400. The cost of LONITÉ cremation diamonds varies according to the diamond features you select.

The cost of turning ashes into diamonds is all-encompassing. To become a diamond, the ashes of your loved one will be sent to Switzerland and returned within an average of 6 months after the ashes to diamond process is completed. The price of cremation diamonds covers all costs in the process, including transportation costs and delivery fees.

Cremation diamonds bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "diamonds are forever." If you want to preserve the spark that the deceased brought to your life, or just want to show off their distinctive personality, there are a number of companies with the technology that transforms cremation ashes into the priceless treasures that memorial diamonds are!

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